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Trust in me, just in me ….

I grew up in a malecentric world.   Sandwiched between two brothers and with numerous boy cousins (all much older than me) I learned to perform young.  My latent Lily Langtry was my ticket to inclusion in boy games whence otherwise I would have been barred.   I remember one Autumn day, damp and musty my brothers and I were playing in the front garden.  My father re-gravelling the drive, we were probably supposed to be helping.  But my older brother had a better idea.  It involved a rubber snake.  I was briefed, repeated back my instructions to ensure I accurately understood, little brother confirmed that father was unable to see big brother planting the ductile serpent in the undergrowth and once all was point perfect  I took my cue and ran out of a copse of trees screaming hystrionically at the top of my voice.  My father instantly rushed to my aid and I stammered sssssnnnnnaaaake whilst pointing melodramatically at the glimpse of viper in the grass.  With not a smidge of hesitation dad swung the spade and smashed the snake with all his might. Over and over again.  We were quite helpless with laughter as it’s rubber body twisted and writhed and indeed bounced.  When entirely satisfied that it was properly dead he took a step forward and picked up it’s stretchy corpse.  The head was utterly flattened like a dimpled pancake.  We were helpless with laughter.  He was thunderous with rage.  We were sent indoors to our rooms.  It was worth the punishment.

The prompt is beneath my feet … it almost was as I clambered over a rock close to home:


PS:  Kaa the snake in Kiplings Jungle book anthropomorphisised so brilliantly by Disney hypnotised Mowgli as he murmured his song ‘Trust in me …. just in me’.  My dad was the man I could always trust to protect and defend me from all foes including, crucially,  rubber snakes.

22 Comments Post a comment
  1. Hilarious!!

    August 12, 2015
    • Even more hilarious that I didn’t mean to post this yet!!!! Glad you enjoyed it though 🙂

      August 12, 2015
  2. Brilliant!

    August 13, 2015
    • He was an unwitting source of much hilarity, my father!

      August 13, 2015
  3. Too bad Eve didn’t have a father to keep her from trusting the snake….after which, Adam probably wished he had his rib back, and life has been nothing but one big laugh after another ever since. 🙂 🙁

    August 13, 2015
    • I didn’t say I actually listened to my father 😉

      August 13, 2015
  4. NOw that was just wrong….however we did something like that to our father, only if I remember it correctly we put it in one of his tool boxes….a black rubber snake…he was sooooo mad…..later in life at my sisters, he had a big porch with a nice light, we hung a long black snake from the light….she wet her pants….she was pretty pissed at my other sister and me…LOl My nephew has a boa and has had her for over 10 years…he bought her before he left home and he put a big plastic one like her in the fridge…I don’t think his mom (my sister) has ever forgiven him…LOL

    August 13, 2015
    • Brilliant stories! I love your family humour 🙂

      August 13, 2015
  5. The chap who works for us kindly brought two of the more poisonous local snakes for me to see….and presented them at the back door tied together by a length of grass….both alive and annoyed.
    He then despatched them with a stroke of the machete….my father would have despatched him for bringing them!

    August 14, 2015
    • Good heavens … That is frightful! Your Papa would be horrified I’m sure, Helen. By the way I’m staying with mother in England and read her the post …. She disappeared into the conservatory and came back triumphant with the rubber snake! Happy days 🙂

      August 14, 2015
  6. Arby #

    Love the story – and some of the photos: the snake, the green lizard, and the mouse. Keep them coming.

    August 14, 2015
    • I will try my best ….

      August 14, 2015
  7. Great story, particular since you didn’t mean to post it yet. Lovely to be reminded of our parents in stories like this. Best wishes. Hope your summer is going well 🙂

    August 16, 2015
    • Thank you Andrew …. My daughter gets married in a week so my summer is heading to its high point. Hope you are getting plenty of Grampy time

      August 16, 2015
      • Gramping this weekend and completely besotted. Best wishes for the wedding and congratulations to your daughter. Ours is coming up to her first anniversary next week. Where did the year go?

        August 16, 2015
  8. Gorgeous textures and colours! Thanks for showing the wonders (and surprises!) that lie beneath our feet.

    August 28, 2015
    • My pleasure Lita ….nature effortlessly sates the senses!

      August 28, 2015
  9. Earlier this year this while running trails with my fiancee, I came within a literal inch of stepping on a snake. I didn’t notice it. She did. But I don’t have a fear of snakes (just elevators and dying… specifically dying on an elevator), so I turned around and just stared at it. I was so intrigued. It was so beautiful… I’d never seen a snake in “real life” before.

    I suppose that’s not really the reaction you’re supposed to have.

    September 16, 2015
    • I’m not scared of them either (birds – flapping or dead are my nemesis) …. Snakes are quite lovely though I wouldn’t necessarily want to share my home with one 😉

      September 17, 2015
  10. It was just the opposite in my family. My father was the joker and the prankster. I was too busy trying not to be like anyone else. Didn’t work…😊

    February 16, 2016

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