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Posts tagged ‘Bruce Jenner’

Eden Guaranteed

Is that the time?  Is that really the time?  Or more accurately, is that really the date?  June.  A week in already and I haven’t posted a single thing since the end of April.  Shame.  On.  Me.  No excuses – plenty of reasons.  Mostly too boring to share but I shall now bombard you with stuff and I will start as I ended with a photo challenge – this one is called Vivid and this little fellow who I captured near Le Rouget before taking my long absence seems so vivid that you would think I had painted him.  Except I can neither paint nor draw except with words so I am not guilty of that crime at least.  Enjoy him – he stayed stock still for the camera and The Bean was similarly statue like in her shock at finding him.  He is a he, by the way – if he was a she he would not have that beauteous coloured throat.  Perhaps Bruce Jenner transgendering from male to female Caitlyn and posing in corsets for Vanity Fair should take note – we girls generally don’t get the most exotic plumage and thinking like a woman should not at all be to do with looking sexual.

DSCF1898 PS – The title is from King Crimson … ‘Lizard’ – well I would, wouldn’t I 🙂