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If it is not indigestion it must be gratitude

I think it was Voltaire who said ‘Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well’.  Today I have Terry at Spearfruit to thank for nominating me for a Blogger Appreciation Award.  Terry writes every day and is gradually piecing together for us his past, his present and his future.  He has a very precise approach to telling his story.  He has planned out rigidly what to divulge and when and runs separate linear threads that are gradually knitting and fusing to reveal his tapestry.  It is the polar opposite of my own scattergun style and it is hugely engaging – I would encourage you to go and visit him … he’s a keeper.  Actually I also need to thank Terry for the recent revelation that his name is Terry.  Prior to this, when interacting I never quite knew whether it was etiquette to shorten him to Spear.  Or Fruit.  Or whether, out of politeness I needed to call him Mr Spearfruit.  In seriousness, he has battled multiple issues and continues to have rather radical bumps thrown into his path and he is genuinely inspiring.  He also shares the music that has patterned his life which I see as an extra perk (you will gather he has taste.  If he didn’t the perk would be a punishment).  And I appreciate him which means that his journey belongs to me in some way too.   I am enriched.


The rules of engagement for this award are very simple (which can only be a good thing).  You thank, you tell something positive about yourself and you suggest and notify as many bloggers as you wish to that you are passing the wand or cudgel depending on your personal style, to them.


Having thanked Terry, therefore, I need to write something positive about me:

Like many, I find it hard to write about me.  Even though I refer to myself as Little Miss Me, Me, Me I’m not really comfortable banging on about self – I find other’s stories much more compelling and I am a shameless Pinocchio nosing around for the anecdote sitting in the café, passing me on the street, simply living a life.

So instead I will share the wisdom of a friend many years ago ‘find the purpose in the way things are’ …. he said it to me at a particularly bleak time in my life when pushing water up a hill and sticking needles in my own eyes seemed infinitely preferable to the status quo.  And I wanted to thump him.  But being  non-violent, I chose instead to quietly niggle away at the statement and you know what?  There is always a flip side.  Always a positive to that negative.  As Oscar Wilde said in his poignant and tragic ‘The Portrait of Dorian Grey’ ‘behind every exquisite thing that existed is a tragedy’.  And that’s  another personal positive – people do genuinely ask if I keep a portrait in the attic (I’m 98 if you were wondering) but the fact is that I simply have lucky genes.  And I smile.  A smile is the best accessory because it makes you feel so much better as well as looking better or at the very least looking fatuous and providing some necessary comedy in the day for the smilee.

And my nominees … all of them terrific and each quite different from the others:

On the road cooking  – Pan makes delicious meals in the cab of her truck.  Which she shares with Stewie.  She’s a delight

Rose Bay Letters – nicknamed ‘the sidekick traveller’ by her son, Janet’s blog is such a pleasure.  Whether travelling or at home in New England, she treats us to beautiful pictures and insights.  We share a love of Oscar Wilde so the Dorian Grey is for her

Redo Sue – Sue writes, she says, because she has to.  I read her blog not because I have to but because what she writes is really very very good

Maison Travers – Nadia is a South African born cordon bleu cook who lived two decades in Los Angeles before settling in le Dordogne where she runs a Chambre d’Hotes and cookery school.  Delicious.

Sultana Bun – Lynda is a housewife and describes this as an admission of a dirty word.  There is nothing dirty about this delightful blog – just humour and pathos and life.  Its a joy.

So there you have it.  Feel free to  ignore me as the strange woman with the pokey nose who smiles inanely and continues to find the purpose in the way things are.

PS:  The title is Benjamin Disraeli – ‘I feel a very unusual sensation – if it’s not indigestion, it must be gratitude’.    I believe he said it to his arch enemy William Gladstone in some or other parliamentary debate.  In these days when politicians seem so hell bent on throwing rocks and never quite managing to move the obstruction in their throat that prevents them from being gracious to one another or, heaven forbid acknowledging that the other might have some credence, it would perhaps be an idea to cast minds backwards and concede that not all progress is good progress.  Manners maketh the man after all.  Even when the man (or woman) has designs on great office.

The photos in this post were all taken on a balmy hot day in the Belledonne mountains above Grenoble.  My father seemed so close as to be walking beside me that day over a decade since his death.  His love, his influence are woven so thoroughly into my own tapestry – I may not be able to see him but I never fail to feel him.


55 Comments Post a comment
  1. Arby #

    Love the photos and the quotes.

    February 16, 2016
    • Great to ‘see’ you Arby – thanks for dropping in and thank you, as ever, for your kind words 🙂

      February 16, 2016
  2. Thank you Arby! It’s always a pleasure to ‘see’ you – thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

    February 16, 2016
  3. Pan #

    My first thought when I got an email alert telling me I had to approve a comment on my Boing post from Osyth was 😨 Oh Nooo I somehow unfollowed her AGAIN !!!!
    I was relieved to find it was a pingback.. Which I’m guessing we have to always approve ?
    Well, I have to thank first, if I have the order right..

    Something positive about me.. hmmmmm..


    😬 this is hard..

    😊 I know one !

    I wouldn’t unfollow anyone for no apparent reason, but don’t trust my dastardly fingers, they’ve done it before !

    oh yeah.. Thank you for such a nice award Osyth 😆 I was going to thank you first but my cage was rattled you know.. 😜

    February 16, 2016
    • It’s a real pleasure and part of the pleasure is that even though I have never sat in the same room with you I KNOW you wouldn’t intentionally strike me or anyone else you are kind to from your following …. You are one of the great pleasures of my new world 🙂

      February 16, 2016
      • Pan #

        Are you trying to make me cry ???? I don’t cry pretty and I’m sitting at a customer !
        Did you get the email of Stewie’s picture ?

        February 16, 2016
      • Oh no! Quick think of something funny …. Stewie doing the boing – that should do it! No I didn’t get the picture but I’ll check my junk folder … It can be a bit over zealous 🙂

        February 16, 2016
      • Pan #

        Then you’ll probably find the other one I sent before in the same folder.. Look Osyth, I know I have a cooking blog, but I ended up in Spam ? I don’t even like that mystery meat ! .. but I did like it when I was a kid 😄

        February 16, 2016
      • We used to get Spam Fritters served at school …. Now THAT was health food (NOT) …. I’ll look a little later because my laptop is in charge and clearly male – can only do one thing at once 😉

        February 16, 2016
  4. Pan #

    I feel the same way about scenery that I pass, that we passed when Mom rode with me.. The memories are so strong it seems I feel her presence..

    February 16, 2016
    • It’s a very intense thing …. Comforting but overwhelmingly sad all at once, I think 🙂

      February 16, 2016
      • Pan #

        Just a little insight about my mom, her favorite post by you would’ve been For the Trees Have No Tongues.. Her eyes would’ve welled up and she would’ve gone on about your photography.. Her next favorite would’ve been the continuing saga of your restoration project.. she would’ve laughed and oohhhed and ahhhed.. The snippet about Two Brains and the shower, she would’ve done both 😄

        February 16, 2016
      • She sounds like my sort of lady …. And she can look over your shoulder at the next instalment in the renovation later today or tomorrow – I’m working on it now :). The trees she has in common with my Dad ….

        February 16, 2016
      • Pan #

        I have no doubt you two would’ve adored each other.. She was easy to be around, gentle, never overbearing and not a jealous bone in her body.. But because of those things, she could pull off pranks better than anyone I’ve ever known.. 😁

        February 16, 2016
      • Well because of her I get to know you and because of my dad you get to know me. And I’m very glad 🙂

        February 16, 2016
  5. Pan #

    The very definition of bittersweet

    February 16, 2016
  6. I think I have indigestion. Oh wait. No…it might be…could it be? OMG? Gratitude! Thank you. What a beautiful and funny homage to finding purpose in the way things are. I’m going to write that one down. I will definitely peruse the other bloggers you mention and participate – eventually – in returning the gratitude.

    February 16, 2016
    • I’m glad you enjoyed it and finding the purpose is SUCH a good mantra …. Enjoy tootling through the blogs and I’ll look forward to seeing more from you whatever and whenever it is. Like Terry who nominated me you are a definite keeper 🙂

      February 16, 2016
  7. Fab quotes, and gorgeous photos, and well deserved award.
    I will be checking out some of your recommendations x

    February 16, 2016
    • Thank you Lindy … The plateau d’artense is hard to get wrong! Glad you enjoyed the words and of course you remain at my top table 🙂 x

      February 16, 2016
  8. Thanks hun, but don’t go giving me any awards – je suis ‘ras le bol’ at the moment xx

    February 16, 2016
    • I thought as much hence the omission 😉 xx

      February 16, 2016
  9. You write very beautifully.
    That feeling of gratitude must be contagious. Lynda.

    February 16, 2016
    • You are very kind. The quote has been on my mind for ages just waiting for the opportunity to take centre page 🙂

      February 16, 2016
      • I love how the good stuff sometimes rises to the mind’s eye.

        February 16, 2016
      • I’m quite lazy really and tend to be a bit Winnie the Pooh ‘it just came to me’ … mostly when I’m out walking. Which is why I can be witnessed apparently talking to self but actually to my voice recorder because I also have a bird-brain and the memory of a collander so I have to record things fairly instantly 🙂

        February 16, 2016
      • Brilliant idea. I need one of those. I usually just tell the dog and hope that he’ll remind me later.

        February 17, 2016
  10. First of all, thank you for writing so many nice things about me – I was not expecting this – I certainly appreciate your kind words. Second, I enjoy your words in your posts, with this one included. They have meaning and I understand what you are conveying. That smile; my smile I forget sometimes how important it is. But today you brought a big one on my face. Thanks Osyth for a wonderful post and wonderful words. 🙂

    February 16, 2016
    • I only ever say what I mean. It’s a rule – I have few but I do have that one 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoy what I write …. they just sort of lurk and then prance onto the page. Smiling is free and hugely important. And if people give you a sour look in return you have the added bonus of being able to feel self righteous AND stick your tongue out behind their back 😀

      February 16, 2016
      • LOL, yes, I will remember that! 🙂

        February 16, 2016
  11. As always my friend, I enjoy your post and pictures and always finish with a smile and joy in my heart from your words….and you described Terry to a “T”…pun intended…LOL

    February 16, 2016
    • Thank you – that in turn makes me smile and gives me joy. Particularly delighted that you felt I ‘got’ Terry right 🙂

      February 17, 2016
      • spot on in my opinion….kat

        February 17, 2016
  12. I love your approach to writing and life! I love our Spear-Terry I am so glad he nominated you and that you wrote all about him! Much love xxx

    February 16, 2016
    • I’m so glad you enjoyed this – it was a joy to focus a bit on Terry and the very real value he brings to my day through his writing. Much like you. Gosh, I’m a lucky lady 🙂 xx

      February 17, 2016
  13. Beautiful writing and pictures!🎨

    February 17, 2016
  14. Your words are so beautifully written and quite thought provoking. Made my day.
    Merci mille fois. 😃

    February 17, 2016
    • And that has made my day – thank you … I’m very glad we have connected – it’s lovely when each enjoy one another’s work, I think 🙂

      February 17, 2016
  15. Congratulations on the aware – your are certainly appreciated by me. Your posts are always interesting, well written and informative (even if I can’t figure out the French – guess that is part of the allure too – can i/cant’ i). I’m a bit brain fogged at the
    moment but will check out the other blogs soon.

    February 17, 2016
    • Thank you – I’m delighted you enjoy what I write and hold you in high appreciation too. Take your time, the fog will clear and everything will still be standing when you are ready. Take care 🙂

      February 17, 2016
  16. Well done (and deserved) on the Award. I always enjoy reading your stories and drooling over the photographs. Of course, you do realise don’t you that now you’re an award winning blogger you’ll have to up your game…more stories…more photos. there’ll never be time for anything else. Your readers demand! 🙂

    February 17, 2016
    • I’m extremely happy that you enjoy what I do. I hold you in high regard, as you know. These awards are a bit of a double edged sword but I liked this one. I have given myself a good face-slapping and will try to meet expectations. Ish 😉

      February 17, 2016
  17. Great pictures as always Fiona. Some rare countryside you have around you in France for sure.
    As for Terry, I could not agree more. He weaves his story in and out of different posts and builds an end result where things click in to place.
    Excellent reading.
    Just like yours…

    February 18, 2016
    • France has more than her fair share of beauty. Terry is brilliant 🙂

      February 18, 2016
      • He is that. Am I right in thinking he was abused as a child then married young, having children only to finallyadmit he was gay and now is with a man? If so, that takes some guts for sure.
        Kudos to Terry.

        February 18, 2016
      • Yes to all of that and add that he was recently diagnosed with cancer and is now in treatment. Kudos indeed 🙂

        February 18, 2016
      • Indeed. A good chap for cure.

        February 18, 2016
  18. gorgeous photos and a thoroughly deserved award.

    February 19, 2016
    • Thank you – it’s a pretty place so no skill involved 🙂

      February 19, 2016
  19. Your hiking photos were so beautiful and natural, Osyth. I feel my Dad when I look at the night sky and have him with me when I need help with science or space. With the morning comes birds, my grandpa cones to me daily in a cardinals song. 15 years without my Dad and 36 since my Grandpa passed away.

    February 22, 2016
    • All those years and yet they are there every day. Love, true love, never dies. x

      February 22, 2016
  20. So lovely, Osyth! I’ve never associated indigestion & gratitude before, but will now 🙂 haha! Oh how I’ve missed you ♥

    March 12, 2016

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